SVPP Seeking to Make Additional Investment in Reading

(from the May 2009 Newsletter)

In addition to SVPP's Capacity Building Fund investment in Listen to Kids, the Partners recommended our investment in Portland Reading Foundation. This important program identifies children most at risk of failing to read and intervenes with evidence-based, multi-sensory reading instruction to ensure that each child has the opportunity to enjoy what you are doing right now. In this work, they have piloted a new program model of training and compensating parent tutors to perform the literacy training in schools. SVPP could play a critical role in developing this innovative, cost-efficient, “win-win” model into a sustainable, replicable solution for any economically disadvantaged child in the Portland area who could benefit from proven literacy instruction.

As our initial budget for the Capacity Building Fund made provision for only one investment, we are seeking additional funding from our Partners and friends. Help us make in this important investment. We have achieved half of our $15,000 goal already so help us close the gap.


SVPP Invests in Child Abuse Prevention


Partner Profile: Les Soltesz