Partner of the Month: Nicole Thibodeau

We are thrilled to introduce Nicole Thibodeau as SVP’s newly-appointed Board Treasurer and recognize her as June’s Partner of the Month!A corporate financial expert, advisor, educator, and speaker, Nicole has 30 years of experience making numbers sing, dance, and rock. She has spent her career partnering with growth-minded individuals to leverage talent, financial language, and strategies for exponential growth and success. Her experience spans industries, borders, audiences, and industries including manufacturing, distribution, architectural design, and healthcare.

Through her consulting practice, Nthandco Management Consultants, Nicole partners with elite business owners, executives, managers, and professionals to drive business, personal growth, and wealth through strategic financial leadership (SFL®). Using “real costs” strategic pricing and investing, she helps put owners, executives, and financial teams in the driver’s seat.As Associate Professor of Accounting Practice at Willamette University, Nicole works with MBA students to leverage their talents and numbers to become confident, fast-acting decision makers and leaders across all forms of organizations. Her most recent project involves partnering with the not-for-profit and philanthropic communities through a graduate philanthropic impact investment and leadership course using real dollars, a first of its kind in North America.In her spare time, you can find her pushing her limits in circus aerials, rafting, Bikram yoga, and out in the open, cycling, and motorcycling.


Why did you join SVP?

I joined Social Venture Partners (SVP) Portland first because of its powerful value proposition and the people. Leveraging a partnership model for community impact by helping to strengthen a community is truly appealing in that investing Investor Partners’ work with staff and Community Partners to grow capacity with targeted dollars and talent. Furthermore, because SVP Portland truly commits to results in growing capacity, it takes a longer-term approach to investing, by working side by side with the Community Partners. This partnership provides learning and growth on both sides of the relationship. Those aspects of SVP Portland as well as the people it engages made me want to contribute and be part of the broader Portland community.

How has SVP helped you make a bigger difference in the community?

I see this Partnership as an opportunity to learn more about the challenges and opportunities facing our community as well as the financial challenges in growing capacity in not-for-profit organizations, and to help strengthen financial leadership in the sector, so that our community can be stronger.

What has been most rewarding thus far and why?

SVP brings together knowledge, talent, motivation, and dollars for the greater community good, with a larger impact for the same resources invested for all Partners and staff involved.

Is there anything else you would like to add?

I am privileged and proud to be a Portlander and an SVP Portland Investor Partner and Board member, and look forward to continued community engagement and growth. Being an SVP Partner is as inspiring as it is motivating and rewarding.


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