Partner of the Month: David Smith

SVP Portland is kicking off 2020 by honoring David Smith as Partner of the Month. David has been deeply engaged since joining our Partnership, most recently on SVP’s internal Development Team where he is helping expand our Business Partnerships. David served as Lead Partner for our investment in Albina Head Start over the past two years, and is currently engaged with the Immigrant & Refugee Community Organization (IRCO). With IRCO, David is able to put his entrepreneurial skills to good use by developing business plans for preschool  programs. David is a former technology executive who specialized in growing organizations. As a Partner, he is able to leverage this extensive background in senior management and technology management/development to help SVP and our Community Partners solve complex organizational and technical challenges. In his spare time, David enjoys traveling with his wife and discovering new wines. Thank you, David, for all you do!


Why did you join SVP?

I wanted to be more engaged in the community beyond simply writing a check. I found the model of venture philanthropy intriguing, a blending of the venture capital with the foundation granting models.

How does capacity building address community problems?

Nonprofits are very lean organizations both in dollars and capacity. Capacity building is a means of amplifying the dollars granted to an organization. Capacity building develops the muscles that organizations need to grow and thrive.

What has been most rewarding thus far?

Seeing the impact we have through our Community Partners on families.

What advice do you have for Partners new to venture philanthropy?

Get involved with a Community Partner or SVP Portland, if only for a couple of hours a month.


CAIRO: SVP's Investment in an Innovative Preschool


SVP Portland’s Executive Director Update: Dec. 2019