Please Welcome Our New Communications & Project Coordinator!

Elizabeth Aguilera joined SVP Portland in August of 2021 after working as an Administrative Assistant at the University of Portland for the past three years where she developed and executed marketing strategies on behalf of the Office of Student Activities. As SVP Portland’s new Communications & Project Coordinator, Elizabeth will help share the inspiring stories of impact and growth through various media channels, including the website, newsletter, and social media. She will also work with Partners, nonprofit partners, and the general public on our internal goals and external work.

Over her career, Elizabeth has worked in education, administration, and equity work in a variety of roles from teaching Latin American art history at universities to volunteering at the Children’s Book Bank in Portland. She is a lifelong advocate for students of all ages, and her commitment to growing and improving educational services for children and their families led her to join our team. Elizabeth was drawn to our Partnership because of the meaningful work we do to invest deeply in our community, using an equity lens to thoughtfully advance diversity and inclusion. This is her first professional foray into the nonprofit sector and she is excited to bring her experiences and abilities to the SVP team.

Elizabeth was the first staff member hired under our new equitable hiring practices. She experienced a deliberate three-month process that involved anonymous evaluation of written materials and writing samples, multiple interviews, and reference checks. Evaluation involved not just all the staff but more than a half dozen Partners who participated in various aspects of the hiring process.

“It is an honor to join such a motivated group of staff and Partners who are so dedicated to making impactful change,” says Elizabeth. “I am really impressed with the unique way that SVP leverages the skills of their Partners in order to advance equity in our community, particularly through a focus on high-quality, culturally-relevant early learning experiences. I am excited to have the opportunity to support and highlight these meaningful changes in my role as Communications & Project Coordinator.”

When she’s not extolling the work of SVP Portland in writing, she enjoys outdoor activities and eating at food carts with her family, or curling up on the couch with a good book and a steaming cup of local tea.


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August 2021 Board Meeting Update