Personal Equity Learning Journey, Part 2

At SVP, one reason we are committed to advancing racial equity is because race and ethnicity play an outsized role in determining kindergarten readiness and because we know that equity is essential for building a strong, vibrant community. One way that you can advance racial equity is to educate yourself and others about issues impacting communities of color. When we begin with personal learning and reflection, we can realize our individual responsibility, and better understand how we can work collectively to make positive social change. SVP Partners and staff share what they have been reading, listening to, and watching as a part of their personal equity journeys. We hope this will inspire you!

Tobias Sherwood:

I recently listened to an episode of the Sounds True podcast featuring guest adrienne maree brown, a social justice facilitator and bestselling author of Emergent Strategy. For me, one highlight of the episode includes brown's idea that critical connections (human-to-human relationships and relationships with the natural world) are as important, if not more important, than critical mass. Another highlight is how brown talks about groups figuring out what the "right work" is -- and finding "the most elegant next step" in a group process. The way she frames equity work feels innovative and life-giving!

Heidi Yewman:

I recently watched the Netflix series, Colin in Black and White. It felt important to know Colin Kaepernicks’s full story, including how he maneuvered in the world as a teenager being raised by white parents. It made me think about preconceived notions I’ve had around racial identity in relationship to sports. 


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