Advocacy & Influence Dynamic Team Launch

I’m beyond excited that we’re on the verge of launching our first official dynamic team! As we’ve shared previously, this will advance one aspect of our broader governance evolution strategy toward being a more equitable, diverse, and inclusive organization. Feedback from Community Partner interviews and surveys last year urged SVP to clarify and strengthen our policy, advocacy, and influence roles. Therefore, our initial dynamic team will focus on the reality that culturally-specific organizations aren’t sufficiently resourced to prioritize policy and advocacy work. The team will determine how SVP can help clarify root issues and identify potential solutions, and then champion these to influence the flow of resources.

The Advocacy & Influence Dynamic Team will be facilitated by two SVP Partners, Leah Fox and Melinda Gross, and composed of a diverse mix of SVP Partners, staff, Community Partners, and other stakeholders. Each member brings specific experience, skills, and expertise needed to inform the team’s decision-making. They will begin with a landscape assessment, including review of relevant research and data along with a series of interviews, to ensure we’re informed of and responsive to community needs. We are preparing to launch the team this summer, beginning with an onboarding and team-building session, in order to set up this cross-sector group to work effectively together. We anticipate learning a lot along the way, so I will plan to share periodic progress updates with you all. Stay tuned!

Lauren Johnson

Executive Director


Worthy Work at WAAAM


Sarah Cohen-Doherty, 1982-2020