SVP Stands In Solidarity With Our Community Partners

Dear Partners,

As supportive allies in our community, we are deeply saddened and outraged by the horrific murder of George Floyd, and feel powerless to reconcile the ongoing protests and violent response by law enforcement. This is yet another stark instance of systemic racism that compounds a nation-wide pattern. It also further heightens our motivation to become an anti-racist organization.

Many Partners have expressed feeling hopeless, and are perhaps anxious to lend their support in the moment. In addition to your commitment to SVP and our Community Partners who are working tirelessly on behalf of marginalized communities, we invite you to consider joining SVP’s new Equity Team (equity, diversity, and inclusion), which we’re in the process of forming. This team will guide our collective work, as individuals and as an organization, along the path of anti-racism and in support of social equity.

The SVP community is here for each other, to learn together, to grieve and support each other, and to collectively move beyond this time. And most importantly, we are reaching out to each of our Community Partners to listen, understand any new organizational needs, and to recommit our support. We are partners through thick and thin. As Nelson Mandela said, "There were many dark moments when my faith in humanity was sorely tested, but I would not and could not give myself up to despair.” And, “Part of being optimistic is keeping one's head pointed toward the sun, one's feet moving forward." Let us move forward together, in solidarity and partnership with our communities.

Kerry McClenahan, SVP Board Chair

Bala Cadambi, SVP Equity Chair


My Personal Equity Journey


SVP Portland Welcomes New Board Members